Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Strawbeery Jam the easiest jam in the world!

Hello my sunshines! I'm sorry to not be able to post these weeks, I've been really busy, but i'll do my best to post more I Swear!
Well let's talk about this recipe, first i'll let clear that I'm a JAMholic!I'm obsses with jam and a thick slice of toast (my morning pleasure) and today jam are full with sugar,preservatives,food coloring and a bunch of artificial stuffs,and here where i live a small pot of these guys are a bit expensive so i think LET'S DO SOME JAM OH YEAH!

2 cups of fresh strawberries(organic will be the best)
3/4 of granuleted sugar(you can use any kind of White sugar)
A juice of a lemon
One mason jar,or regular jar,container (simmered)

Cut the strawberries in tiny pieces and mash them with your hand or a fork.In low heat add the strawberries,sugar and lemon juice in a pot and stir until the sugar is dissolve.Turn to high heat and bring to boil stiring all the time.When the mixture becomes thickens turn of the heat and put the mixture in the jar.The cool the mixture in a pot with room temperature water for at least 20 min.THERE YOU HAVE YOU OWN NATURAL JAM!
So tasty and the best is that you can do this with any kind of fruit that you like.
Have a great day guys

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